
I’ve discovered that for me the most difficult thing about studying abroad is finding balance. Here are some tips for students who are studying abroad or want to study abroad in the future! Balance between being present and communicating with the people you love back home. Keeping in touch with your family, significant other, and friends is vital when you’re away from home, especially when you're gone for months at a time. It provides a link between your life in your new environment and the life you left behind (and will get back to soon!). Every email, text, and Skype call is so wonderful, and it will help you feel connected to everything going with the home folks, even when you’re thousands of miles away. Still, it’s a sacrifice. And I don’t mean just for you. Sure, you may be taking time out of your day that you could be using to study, see the world, or hang out with your new friends in order to communicate with your old friends. But, your loved ones back h...